2018: 博士 (情報理工学) 取得 |
Yamo : 山本 和彦 Kazuhiko Yamamoto YAMAHA Research Department, Chief Researcher Researcher/Artist/Ph.D (Computer Science) Kazuhiko Yamamoto is a Researcher at YAMAHA. He received his Ph.D (Information Science and Technology). from The University of Tokyo in September 2018 under the supervision of Prof. Takeo Igarashi. His research field is numerical algorithms for computer-human user interface. In particular, his interests include HCI, music information retrieval, computer graphics, physics simulation, machine learning, and GPGPU. He is received a research grant from JST ACT-I in 2016~2018. 1985年北海道札幌市生まれ. 博士 (情報理工学). 社会人博士として取得. 現在はヤマハ株式会社に勤務. 専門はコンピュータ-ユーザインタフェースのためのアルゴリズム. 特に機械学習, 物理シミュレーション, サウンドレンダリング, コンピュータグラフィックス, ユーザインタフェース, 音響/画像信号処理, メディアアート等の研究に従事. 2016年から2018年までJST ACT-Iからの助成を受ける. 情報処理学会, 日本音響学会, IEEE, ACM各会員. CGVI, WISS, Visual Computing, VRST各委員. Twitter: @yamo_o Mail: yamo_o(at) |
Dancer as a Pianist: Mapping a Musical Phrase onto a Sequential Body Motion [pdf] [YouTube (short)] [YouTube (Full)] Dancer music [The Big Picture] |
MuEns: A Multimodal Human-Machine Music Ensemble for Live Concert Performance [pdf] [video] [preview] [presentation] [YouTube] Automatic Music Accompaniment Based on Audio-Visual Score Following |